Two women tried to revive Kanye West's mother after she had a heart attack and stopped breathing, according to emergency 911 recordings released Monday.

An unidentified woman tells a male emergency dispatcher during the call that Donda West recently had surgery. She says West just had a heart attack, has stopped breathing and moving, and is "cold and clammy," according to the call released by the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The woman says she and another unidentified woman are trying to administer CPR.

"Are you doing it?" the dispatcher asks. "... Does anybody know how? That's what I already asked you."

As the two women talk, the dispatcher appears to grow frustrated.

"Ma'am, let me tell you how to do this. You need to listen. You're not listening to what I'm telling you. You're not helping the person at all. ... Have the other people be quiet so I can tell you what to do."

The dispatcher then instructs the woman in CPR, telling her to clear West's mouth and administer breaths. The women attempt to resuscitate West, but she doesn't respond. Soon after, paramedics arrive, and the dispatcher hangs up.

West, 58, was rushed to a hospital where she was pronounced dead Nov. 10, the day after she underwent breast reduction, tummy tuck and liposuction procedures.