David Duchovny has blamed the new X-Files film's disappointing box office performance on The Dark Knight.

The X-Files: I Want To Believe opened with an unimpressive $10 million in ticket sales last weekend, which Duchovny put down to having to compete with the Batman sequel.

He said: "I'd prefer if it was a huge hit, but there are mitigating circumstances. We happened to open on the worst day in the history of cinema - the second week of Batman. The only thing worse would be to open with Batman and nobody would've done that."

Duchovny suggested that the movie still has a chance of turning a profit because of its relatively small budget.

"We're competing for the same audience with what they're saying will be the highest grossing film of all time," he said. "What saves us is that we only cost $29 million to make. We're a small movie masquerading as a blockbuster."