In another glimpse into the twisted life of Lindsay Lohan, her parents Michael and Dina argued over how bad the situation with their daughter was, and Dina admitted that Lindsay had been cutting herself. The shocking bombshell is revealed in the recorded audio tape exclusively obtained by of a phone conversation between Dina and Michael, where the two blame each other for Lindsay's dire situation.

Michael is talking with Dina, telling her that he represents the bad things in her life and Dina interrupts him, saying "Her cutting herself and hurting herself? Yeah, it's bad Michael, it's bad." Lindsay has been photographed over the years and recently with scars on her wrists, a sign of the cutting, which is a desperate cry for help from the troubled starlet.

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As Dina has said in previous recorded conversations, Lindsay has suffered from the treatment she received from her father, even going so far as to sleep with Dina when she's at her house because she is so fearful. "I know that it's going to happen," Dina responds to Michael when he says "If something happens," and Dina continues "I will feel it's all your fault, that's how I will feel, it's not about me."

In the 2008 call Michael doesn't accept any blame for Lindsay's situation, telling Dina "I will feel like it's everyone else's fault."

Dina denies Michaels' insistence that Lindsay wants to see him in the call, telling her ex-husband "Michael, she doesn't want to see you right now."

The Lohan family war exploded when Michael released the tapes of his daughter's desperate cry for help. He told in an exclusive interview that he is doing so to get Lindsay the help she needs and get his troubled daughter into rehab. "I admit, I'm being a bit selfish in releasing the tapes," he told us. "But I'm tired of being lied about. I'm tired of Dina and others making me out to be someone I'm not, so now I'm going to prove to the world who the real liars are." -