Sometimes on-screen connections lead to a whole lot more off-screen. No one knows that better than Brad Pitt, who met his ladylove Angelina Jolie while filming “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”

Maybe that’s why Brad’s not comfy with Angie acting amorous with co-star James McAvoy in her upcoming film “Wanted.” In fact, according to Life & Style, he’s downright jealous.

Evidently Angelina’s real-life leading man found it hard to watch her and James share a passionate lip lock. “Brad knows it’s only a movie,” a friend of the couple told L&S. “But seeing them together still stung. She hasn’t done anything that erotic since ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith.’”

To make matters worse, the magazine reports the sexiest scenes were added at Angie’s urging. She even brought her favorite writer, Dean Georgaris, on board to beef up the interaction between the characters.

“The changes meant she spent way more time with James, and the sexual tension got a lot more intense.”
The L&S insider added that the co-stars became extremely close while filming, and the further inclusion of a nude bath scene “was entirely Angelina’s idea.”